REQUIRED: Back-to-School Forms


  Get ready for the 2024-2025 school year by reviewing and completing items below:

  1. Sign-up for our weekly family newsletter: Hunters Woods Elementary News You Choose
  2. Activate your ParentVUE account if you haven't already. Don't have an account? Please reach out to our registrar, James Racine, for assistance.
  3. Complete all Required forms through ParentVUE on the Online Verification/Update tab.
  4. Engage in the Hunters Woods Elementary Community through volunteering, joining the PTA, working with teachers, etc.


  1. ALL FORMS in the Online Verification/Update (OVU) in SIS ParentVUE.  All students must have accurate emergency care/health information each school year. Parent/Legal Guardians should update in the new OVU and can find more information on the SIS ParentVUE Online Verification/Update portal. 
  2. Digital Resource Consent - This parent consent allows your child to use FCPS approved digital tools that require parental consent.  Login with your ParentVUE Credentials 
  3. Student Rights & Responsibilities Acknowledgement Form
  4. Free and Reduced Lunch Application (if applicable)
  5. Medication Authorization Form

Note: More forms will become available in the Online Verification/Update (OVU) throughout the school year.  Stay tuned to communications from Hunters Woods Elementary and FCPS.